Outside Adventures

This past weekend, as Florida experienced some cold weather, I thought it would be a good idea to open the windows and sliding glass doors. Not such a great idea when you have a genius cat. As I was happily watching ESPN I glanced outside and saw Chubbies and Midnight, both inside cats, running around the backyard. I ran outside screaming, “Chubbies! Midnight!”, I thought for sure they were long gone. Luckily, I was able to capture the cats and bring them safely inside. The next puzzle- how did the cats open up the screen door? The blame went directly to ornery Jack. After reprimanding Jack for opening the door and letting the cats escape (probably his exact plan), I thought to myself…this is Jack we are talking about, he’s not talented enough to open the door. Minutes later I see that sneak Chubbies pushing the screen door open with his tiny snout! Chubbies is the culprit!

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